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Everything posted by ezman

  1. uh-oh, how did you break your engine seank_uk?
  2. thanks for that, i'm really not thinking of peaking the engine at all, just want to have some fun every so often. :lol:
  3. Hi, OK I got my car and loving it, titanium 1.6 115, 55 reg. Anyway, as expected it likes high revs to get any fun out of it. I'm not a boy racer or anything (obviously looking at my choice of car), but I do like to move quickly when the wife isn't in the car. My question is - does driving in lower gear to get the revs higher like around 3500-4000 revs (for more fun driving) damage the car in anyway, increase maintenance costs? Many thanks for any advice.
  4. haha, made me laugh - which is difficult for a monday morning :lol: ok, going to go and see it again after work :wink:
  5. Thanks for the advice, would not pay until it's fixed up - but he did say that cos I know it's there (the door scrape), I would still see it if I looked closely and the repair wouldn't be perfect...hmmm, really umming and ahh-ing about this. As one dealer said to me, if I want a car without any blemishes I should buy a new one - good advice?
  6. Hi,first of all sorry for the long post but my heads going crazy :) I test drove a 2005 focus titanium 1.6 115 today, really liked it...and the price was good: £6500 and only 14,000 miles on the clock* But...there is a bit of a scrape down the driver-side door (only on the vertical edge) - they say they will fix that up, they only just got the car and it even needs cleaning inside. I haggled them down to £6200 which I think is a good price, but the scrape is unsettling me. It's not a ford garage so how good will their repair job look! Every focus i've looked at (even 2007 models) seems to
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