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  1. I spent my hard earned cash on mine too and guess what? ended up being an unpaid development engineer for FMC and the owner of a pile of junk. Take a look http://forum.ffoc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic ... 2391231ca1 Vowed never to buy Fraud again. brought a new scenic for the wife, totally outclasses the C-Max in every department -; versatility, quality of interior materials and fuel economy to name a few, yes it has had a few problems but these problems are negligible when comparing them to the faults and defects I experienced with the C-max. It says a lot for the C-Max when even the Fraud techni
  2. Don't speak too soon m8, I only spent 17 years building them, so I could tell you a few home truths. But if youre happy with your purchase then I am happy for you, best of luck! I am assuming at that price you have purchased the TDV6 'S' 5 seater variant then? Not a very popular version (reason for big discount) as most customers tend to specify 7 seater SE or HSE versions (£40-£50K) which have plenty of electronic gadgets and toys. Like the heavly specced C-Max's plenty of toys means plenty to go wrong, and that has been the case with both models. As I am assuming your D3 is a basement m
  3. I've heard of this problem and many others quite a lot on the Land Rover Discovery 3 Forum. http://disco3.co.uk/forum/index.php A brand owned by Fraud and electronics shared!! Say no more And we all thought we had problems on this forum. Take a look at the Land Rover Experience!! especially when you have parted with 50K. You cannot!! Trust!, Faith! You made the right decision jerms I'm with you all the way m8. Do pigs fly?? they are a big company (well used to be) and as such they could afford to pay for personal injury in these circumstances. Nothing stands in the way of this ruthle
  4. This appears to be a common Ford problem with this component as far back as 2001/02 in the new fiesta (To which my wife had the issue, Knocking whilst travelling over speed bumps) and at that time I was informed that this was also an issue with the Galaxy. It appears that there is a unacceptable breakdown in Quality assurance processes of which FMC have not bothered to address with a robust solution. The problem so I was informed was the excess machining of the bush housing. This resulting in excess movement of the said components for which NO engineered tolerance value is given. On the safe
  5. Nothing to do with service mor like warranty replacement :roll:
  6. Sounds like the start of an EGR valve issue :roll: :roll:
  7. ST Lee, Freedom of speech springs to mind. But FMC is an American company need I say any more about their culture? And yes "if you work for us you must support all products even if we make something bad and it goes wrong we will lie and say it is a good car" Not in my book! and I paid the price for refusing to accept a pile of worthless metal. 17 loyal years of service down the pan :evil: :evil: Even when it is your hard earned money that is paying for it!! :x As for unfair dismissal. Classified :wink:
  8. SCOTTMAX I sympathyse with you and agree with the action you took, I too had enough of dealer excuses and FMC B***S**T. Take a look on the forecourts FMC can't give C-Max's away, Massive discounts, loads of problems, crap dealer and manufacturer service, what more could you wish for??? :lol: like yourself I too have got back to enjoying my driving in another manufacturers product. Unlike yourself though I lost my livelihood and had my contract of employment terminated by my employer FMC for my comments on this website. :evil: :evil: Take a look at my C-Max ownership -; http://www.ffoc.co.
  9. Not in the eyes of FMC!! If you are an employee then you have to be seen to supporting and promoting the products not slating them, this is regarded as so called inappropriate behaviour.
  10. COULD'NT AGREE WITH YOU MORE, The only point missing is CUSTOMER SERVICE. FMC and its dealer network could do with some very serious teaching in this area, is it any wonder they are in financial s**t!!. More and more customers are becoming disillusioned with the blue ovals approach to customer service and loyalty. This is non the more evident in the USA, their homeland. And as such once loyal customers are moving over to japanese products which tick the right boxes for the ever demanding customer. FMC have failed to adjust to the ever demanding customer and boy do they know it. :lol: :lol:
  11. Gasman, like I said previously take a leaf out of my book, I unfortunately owned my C-Max for 9 months and that was off the road for 7 months!! so you have some way to go yet!! I was then dismissed form my employment with FMC for slatting the quality of my C-Max on this site. SO YES FMC DO FREQUENT THIS SITE REGULARY, I CAN VOUCH FOR THAT
  12. Gasman, take a leaf out of my book. I went through exactly what you are going through, with the exception that I was employed by FMC and all the aggro I had with my Max and telling other owners on this forum about my C-Max ownership experience cost me my job , hows that for sour grapes from Ford??. If I was you and I know it is going to cause more inconvenience (but it will get you a result) I would leave your car at the dealer, make an appointment with the dealer principle. In attending the appointment with the DP give him all the documents you possess in relation to your Max (V5 doc, keys
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